Hybrid And Electric Vehicle Acronym Guide

The electric vehicle industry is full of acronyms and abbreviations you may not be familiar with. In this guide, we will help you learn the most common ones.

Vehicle-related terms

  • EV - Electric Vehicle
  • BEV - Battery Electric Vehicle
  • PHEV - Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
  • ICE - Internal Combustion Engine
  • HEV - Hybrid Electric Vehicle
  • FCEV - Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle
  • PiV - Plugin-in Vehicle
  • REx - Range Extended Vehicle

Charging-related terms

  • AC - Alternative Current
  • DC - Direct Current
  • kW - Kilowatts
  • kWh - Kilowatt Hour
  • CPM - Charging Point Manager
  • CPO - Charging Point Owner

Charging cables types

  • Type 1
  • Type 2
  • CSS - Combined Charging System
  • CHAdeMO - CHArge de MOve (move using charge)
  • 3-Pin

Other terms

  • DSO - Distribution System Operator
  • EMP - Electro Mobility Provider
  • EMSP - Electro Mobility Service Provider
  • EVSE - Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment
  • GHG - Greenhouse Gas
  • RFID - Radio Frequency Identification
  • TSO - Transmission System Operator
  • V2G - Vehicle-to-Grid